Brighter Life Bit #22: Critical Awareness – Letting Go

ILF_Wtagline_Logo rgbYou can listen to the original teaching at the 55 minute mark of the Class 3 recording. You can download the audio from iTunes here  or from the ILF website here.

In this section, we teach you about “Critical Awareness, and how can you practice it?

Critical Awareness is knowing why something exists, how it works, how our society is impacted by it and who benefits from it.

In order to practice CRITICAL AWARENESS, you must:

  • Contextualize, and see the big picture
  • Normalize, and realize you’re not alone or the only one
  • Demystify, and understand its source

To practice Critical Awareness, answer these questions in your journal:

  • What are the expectations around your trigger?
  • Why do these expectations exist?
  • How is our society influenced by these expectations?
  • Who benefits from these expectations?

Share your experience with how these exercises worked for you in the comments below.