Brighter Life Bit #29: What is Self-Care?

ILF_Wtagline_Logo rgbWelcome to this Brighter Life Bit #29. For this lesson, you can listen to the original teaching at the 24 minute mark of the Class 5 recording. You can download the audio from the ILF website here.

What is the definition of Self-Care? And what is the intention?

Exercise: Take out your journal. Write down 3 things you can do EVERY day to practice self care.

Examples: Take a walk
Ask a family member to cook dinner
Go to tea with a friend

“Doing Self-Care is preventative medicine…”
~ Andrea J. Lee | Indrani’s Light Foundation Goodwill Ambassador

Share your experience with us. What did you choose to do to practice self-care? Share your comments below this post.