You Can Help Make a Difference for the Fort Bend Women’s Center

You can use the form below to join Team ILF and donate in two different ways (or continue reading after the donation form for more details):

1. Click on the “Make a Donation” button and select your donation amount.


2. Click on the “Merchant Partners” button and do your shopping online. Indrani’s Light Foundation will receive a portion of each purchase you make.

Supporting the Caregivers supports the victims of abuse 

Think of everything you do during the day to support your own family and how challenging being the caregiver can be. Your task list seems endless some days, with minimum time to spend caring for yourself. It can feel overwhelming when all of your to-dos start stacking up, and the end result is often a feeling of exhaustion. Deep love for your family, but still: exhaustion.

fortBendCenterNow, imagine providing that same level of support for 80+ abused women, children, and men every day. Spending your time and energy trying to make a difference in the lives of people who have lost everything and are trying to rebuild their lives. Helping them heal their pain and regain their confidence while also supporting them as they take care of their kids, look for a job, and try to rebuild the broken puzzle abuse has created in their lives.

Overwhelming and exhausting.

Which is why Indrani’s Light Foundation wants to provide support to these heroic Caregivers, and give them the mindset and tools they need to keep giving and supporting the residents of their shelter every day, while still having the energy to live their own life and support their family.

The Caregiver Project helps these men and women:

  • deal with the overwhelm and exhaustion that leads to burnout
  • take care of themselves and their families when they leave work
  • continue to show up and support their clients
  • learn new tools they can use to further support the women, children, and men in rebuilding their lives
  • continue to make a huge difference in the lives of their clients for years to come

Your donation will help Amy and Jeremie spend four days with the Caregivers at Fort Bend Women’s Shelter

Indrani’s Light Foundation will be sending Amy and Jeremie to help these caregivers at no charge to the Fort Bend Women’s Center. Which is why we need your support to help cover the costs of the workshop.

What does a workshop like this cost to deliver?

Here is how your donation will be spent:


(Any extra money raised above the costs to support the Fort Bend Women’s Center program will be put towards the next group of Caregivers the ILF team trains.)

Join the Indrani’s Light Foundation Team – Help Support the 4-day Caregiver Workshop in Fort Bend Women’s Center Now

Are you ready to help Amy and Jeremie work with the Fort Bend Women’s Center?

We consider every one of our donors to be a valued member of the Indrani’s Light Foundation Team. We couldn’t do this life-changing work without you!

You can use the form below to join Team ILF and donate in two different ways:

1. Click on the “Make a Donation” button and select your donation amount.


2. Click on the “Merchant Partners” button and do your shopping online. Indrani’s Light Foundation will receive a portion of each purchase you make.