Category Archives: women

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 14

Here is Indrani’s “Day 14” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani wants to remind you that if anyone expects you to be silent about things that have happened to you, then they are not your friend.  Brené Brown says that telling your story, ends the shame.  Take a look!

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 13

Here is Indrani’s “Day 13” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani doesn’t know how to scale a rock wall, but she could learn!  Her “call to action” today is to learn how to end violence.  We can learn to scale this huge obstacle…. take a look!

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 12

Here is Indrani’s “Day 12” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani is traveling in Europe and heard about another mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA.  Take a look at her “call to action.”

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 11

Here is Indrani’s “Day 11” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is how to find a way to make “non-violence” as powerful as violence seems to be.  Take a look …..

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 10

Here is Indrani’s “Day 10” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is a bold one! If you are spanking your children …. Please STOP!  Let us parent with love and respect.  Take a look.

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 9

Here is Indrani’s “Day 9” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is to think about what you can do in your own life to help bring peace into our world, and “do it.” . …. take a look.

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 5

Here is Indrani’s “Day 5” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Please, make a difference to one “Starfish” today …. take a look.

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

My altar to myself

Image makunin via Pixabay

I have never had an altar and I found the instructions of building one for myself just not me, not something I would do.

I looked around and found that, really, my home is my altar and I made that comment to my dear friend.

I felt it was egotistical to say my home was my altar, that it placed attachment to my things.   And perhaps there is some attachment to a few of the items.

My friend reminded me that my house used to be my prison and that transforming it into my altar was a major accomplishement.   I sat with that thought….

My house was not a home for so many years, it was a place to hang my hat.  Home is where the heart is and there was no love amongst the walls, no trinkets of adornment, no comforts with its furnishings or the people who resided there.

As my divorce came and went, the house had become mine to do with it what I wanted. No compromise with others, no decisions made just to please another.   I was and am free to do what I want.  Awareness for what I needed became apparent as the cast of characters in my life stepped off the stage. As I had looked to others in my house of life for the love and acceptance, I had to turn to self-love and self-acceptance.

The walls that held secrets of the arguments, the abuse, the anger and resentment, I had them plastered over. Part of my history that were painful building blocks of who I am today, I’m stronger for it.  Plaster and paint gave a fresh page to a new chapter.  The house is an eccentric museum of my life and the things I hold dear, the memories and experiences which have shaped me in this lifetime. The books I loved reading and those I would love to read. Treasures and antiquities from my adventures. Colors and fabrics that bring me comfort.

Even a toy from my childhood with a hole and a torn eye sits on a shelf, a reminder of family vacations when they were still fun, and I was innocent.

Like an onion, each item is a layer of my life and peeling away one layer only brings about another.

The structure that, in the past, held no charm and had no atmosphere, now welcomes everyone once they cross the threshold.  The energy of my altar is one of peace. It’s a place where every room invites you to stop and sit a spell.  Blow the dust off almost any item on the shelves and there is a story of wonder and discovery to be told.

On the floor are framed photos of people and places I love and one day they will finally find their place on a wall. My tribute to them.

My home is not finished.  It’s a work in progress as is my life.


Guest Blogger

Angry, humorless or just plain bitchy

“… strong professional women of all races are at risk of being classified as angry or humorless or just plain bitchy. Studies have shown that men who get angry are often rewarded in their career, while women who express anger tend to be penalized.” -Ilyse Hogue.

This quote hardly needs any more explanation… except for HOW to handle this in our lives and in the work place. The way we treat anger personally and professionally is directly related to HOW we were taught to react by our parents or guardians. I remember very clearly that shouting and screaming were par for the course in my family of origin, but only for the adults, we kids would get slapped if we said a word.

As I grew up, every time someone yelled at me, even though I was an adult I felt childlike and immediately clamped up. I evolved into being the shouter and the yeller until I realized that I was only harming myself.

It is quite easier to “control” ourselves at work, as the social norm is to go along to get along.

What happens if you do let loose and people start labeling you? Can you open the conversation with them about the labels?

Not really, BUT you can open the conversation about the labels they put on others. This way you are just creating a small crack in the social façade and your wisdom can shine a light thru the crack.

So try standing up for others and you will feel a lot better even if you don’t have anyone to stand up for you.


Love and light


P.S. I did notice that people brought their problems to me to solve because I was that Bitch who wouldn’t take crap. Interesting, don’t ya think?


The sewing machine, Facebook and donkeys

Meet Frola Mabuga.  She is not on Facebook.

Frola Mabuga is a single 45 yr old woman in Kahama, Tanzania. Frola has lived in the shadows of HIV/Aids and poverty.  Frola wanted to learn to sew so she could provide for herself and her family, but she had no sewing machine. Frola shared a machine with her sewing classmates.  A friend who is with a local charity helped me get a sewing machine for her as a small business loan, so she could use to learn to sew and start her own tailoring business.

On October 5, in celebration of her entrepreneurial spirit she received the sewing machine to keep so she could start her business.

I posted a photo and Frola’s story on Facebook.

But the story does not stop there…

Another charity in Tanzania, saw my Facebook post and they offered to give her and her family two donkeys!  Donkeys you say?  Donkeys are like the equivalent to a John Deere Tractor or a Ford pick up truck. Now she has transportation, plow animals, assets.

Suddenly a simple investment in a sewing machine resulted in a domino effect of positive things to empower Frola to build a better life for her family.


What simple thing can you do for someone today?

That one act could be the catalyst for something life changing for that person.