Here is all the information you will need to connect with Amy and the Live a Brighter Life Trainers for the classes:
All classes being at 6pm Pacific/7pm Mountain/8pm Central/9pm Eastern
October 27th Session 1: Setting Boundaries: Define your personal space
November 3rd Session 2: Saying No: Say “Yes” to a New Way
November 10th Session 3: Letting Go: Uncover Your Self-Respect
November 17th Session 4: Finding Resilience: Uncover Your Self-Compassion
December 1st Session 5: Restoring Self: Stand in Your Divine Power
December 8th Session 6: Being Present: Reclaim Yourself Physically and Emotionally
How to Connect with the Classes
To Join with Audio Only:
1. Call 1-646-558-8656 or 1-408-638-0968 (note: these are long distance calls in the US)
2. Click here: to see if there is a phone number for your country if outside of the US.
3. When asked, enter the meeting number: 886 395 142
To join with video and audio (preferred so we can see you):
1. Click on this URL (or copy it into your browser):
2. Follow any instructions on your computer to download the software.
3. Enter your name when prompted.
4. Click “Join”
5. Click on “Join by Phone” (and follow the “Join by Phone Instructions”) if you want to use the phone for audio. Click on “Join by Computer” (and follow the “Join by Computer Instructions” b) if you want to use your computer for audio.
Watch your inbox for emails sharing this class information and for reminders of when each class begins.
And in case you haven’t downloaded the recording of Indrani’s call yet, here is the link: