Tag Archives: United Nations

It is a big deal: It happened to me

orange-the-world-w-ilf-logoThe unusual topic of conversation seems to follow me.  At business meetings, dinner parties, and coffee dates, people keep talking to me about their childhood abuse.  It makes sense:  my story of abuse motivates my work, and I don’t stop talking about my mission to end violence in every home {TEDTalk}.  Because I share my vulnerable story, people open up to me; some tell of severe cases, others of the occasional slap or scream.  It must be human nature to diffuse pain and suffering because most say that they deserved the abuse.

Let me tell you this… I did not deserve it.

I did not deserve to be beaten because the baby pooped in his diaper and smeared it on the wall.  The baby was one years old and I was five.  I was told to watch the baby, and I was watching the baby.  Regardless, I did not deserve to be hit.  Nothing a child does merits physical pain and emotional suffering – even if it’s to “teach a lesson.”

This is but one incident of parental anger and rage that was not right.  My life of violence was a big deal to me as a child, but it became even bigger when it reared its ugly head after I became a mother.  In my TEDxTalk , I describe how I had to fight the beast inside me for the sake of my own innocent child. I believed, and still do, that “if we do not claim our abuse, we will repeat it.”  It was a big deal to my son that I never beat him. It was a big deal to me that I saved a new generation from violence.

We all have a Moral Imperative to end violence in the world, the majority of which is done towards women and children.  November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and we must all use our voices to make the issue of Gender-Based Violence a big deal.  I will be using my voice in my home country, Trinidad, during the 16 days of Gender Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, to ensure that the issue of violence is not ignored as part of my work with  Maverick Collective and Population Services International (PSI).  I am Trinidadian and am proud to be.  I am, however, not proud that violence is so pervasive and normalized.  Many Trinidadians are of the opinion that violence is needed to “discipline.”  This is not so.

There is much research that shows children who receive violence suffer not only in the present moment but also long into the future.  According to the Centers of Disease Control  abused children are plagued with a long list of repercussions from depression and suicides, to inability to maintain healthy intimate relationships, to becoming abusers themselves.  So if childhood abuse is so common in Trinidad, no wonder 1 in 3 Trinidadians have experienced physical violence from their most recent intimate partner, according to a PSI-Caribbean study.

Reports of crimes related to sexual assault and domestic violence increased by nearly 50% between 2013 and 2014 according to the UN in the Universal Periodic Review of Trinidad and Tobago.  But it doesn’t have to be this way.  Abuse doesn’t have to keep happening to children.  Relationships don’t have to be plagued with violence.  It starts with you. Determine your Adverse Childhood Experiences Score to understand how your childhood may have affected your physical and emotional growth.  If violence happened to you, it is a big deal.  But you also have the power to end it, in your own home, starting today.

Let’s #orangetheworld together, because TOGETHER WE ARE MIGHTY!

With Love & Light,

Indrani Goradia | Founder
Indrani’s Light Foundation

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 9

Here is Indrani’s “Day 9” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is to think about what you can do in your own life to help bring peace into our world, and “do it.” . …. take a look.

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 6

Here is Indrani’s “Day 6” personal “call to action” video message to you, as we continue to support the UN Women’s “Orange the World” campaign to end violence against women and girls.

Indrani’s “Call to Action” for today is to say, “No more violence to myself.” …. take a look.

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Follow us on Twitter @indranis_light #orangetheworld #16days

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 4

Have you heard about the United Nation Women’s “ORANGE THE WORLD” campaign yet? Indrani has joined forces with them for their 16 days of activism to end violence against women and children.

Indrani is publishing a personal video message every day during the UN Women’s campaign, and TODAY, she is sharing an important message about treating ALL of your emotions with respect. When you can do that, you can begin to end violence within yourself and other people. It’s an action that starts with “Self.”

Indrani encourages you to Google, “The Guest House” by Rumi.  But before you do, take a look at Indrani’s “Day 4” personal message.  Watch it here:

Please share this video on social media!

Let’s END violence against women and girls together!


Orange the World image 2

Indrani’s “Orange the World” Video Message: Day 3

As Indrani moves into Day 3 of the United Nations Women “ORANGE THE WORLD” campaign, she shares a message quoting Dr. Maya Angelou.

“A single person’s fantasy can transform a million realities” ~ Dr. Maya Angelou

Indrani has a fantasy ….. to END violence against women across the globe. Listen to her 1 1/2 minute message right here!

Please share this on social media!

Wear ORANGE when you can for this exciting 16-Day campaign, and help end violence against women and girls. It’s up to us to help!

Love & light,

Team ILF

Orange the World: Day 2 Message from Indrani

Indrani’s Light continues our support for the United Nations Women “ORANGE THE WORLD” Campaign!

16 day of activism from November 25th through December 10th, 2015.

Here is Indrani’s “Orange the World” Day 2 video message …. take a look!

Please share this video on social media!

Do you have something ORANGE to wear? Let’s see it on Facebook!

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Indrani’s Light Foundation Is Joining Forces With United Nations Women: Day 1

Orange the World image 3

Indrani has stepped up her activism, yet again, and is joining forces with UN Women to help promote their “Orange the World” campaign.

Here is the campaign message from the United Nations “UNiTE”:

The UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women Campaign invites

governments, UN agencies, civil society organizations and individuals

from all countries of the world to mark the days between 25 November and 10 December

(the 16 Days of Activism) by coming together to step up efforts to end violence against women and girls.  

We invite you to “ORANGE THE WORLD: END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS” BY participating in and organizing “orange events” in support of the UNiTE Campaign.

THIS YEAR WE WANT TO KEEP THE WORLD ORANGE THROUGHOUT THE 16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM and we invite you to consider organizing your activities not only on 25th November but on the other days too.

Join us, take action, orange the world, keep it orange for days, and call for political commitments to be matched with meaningful ACTION and adequate RESOURCES to end

violence against women and girls worldwide.”


                                                                                                         ~ UN Women


Indrani will be posting a personal video message almost every day of this 16-Day campaign, calling for action to end violence against women and girls.  Here is Indrani’s first campaign video and “Call to Action” for YOU!

Join us on Twitter @indranis_light   #orangetheworld  #16days


Love & Light,


Team ILF


2 Million Missing Women Every Year & One Small Step You Can Take to Help!


Indrani is back from TEDxPortofSpain.  She is over-the-moon excited about how her talk landed with the audience, and for herself.  She spoke her truth ….. she also spoke for millions of women on our globe who can’t speak for themselves.

The ILF Team will be posting excerpts of Indrani’s TEDx Talk on social media, leading up to the public release of her talk from TEDxPortofSpain sometime next week.  We feel strongly about sharing her TEDx Talk to as many people on the planet as possible, but we need support!  We need YOUR support.  If you want to be an activist to end violence against women, but you do not have the bandwidth to be a trainer right now, you can take one minute a day to share our social media posts and tweets, comment on them, and spread the message.  This work is so important to us that we will not be shy about asking for support.  Just as you should not be shy, or ashamed to ask for support when you need it.

Here is the first excerpt of Indrani’s TEDx Talk:

“The United Nations recently listed the greatest Public Health threat gripping our world.

Once it was mosquitos, once it was HIV/AIDS, once it was Ebola. Now it is violence to women and children and it has reached plague proportions. If we knew the extent of abuse taking pace at this very moment within a ONE mile radius of this building, we would scarcely be able to carry our own weight, we would be on our knew. Let alone the TSUNAMI of abuse happening across the world at this very moment.


It costs the US, Canada and Australia, over 18 Billion dollars each year because of Intimate Partner Violence.

Would you believe 107 MILLION females are missing from the planet today and every year 2 million more go missing?

Yes, this is the world we are living in.”


We invite you to click on the social media buttons that appear when you hover over the images above and share this post with your friends, family, and community.  Then ask them to share this blog.  Remember, there is someone out there that you may know who needs to see this TEDx Talk because they are suffering.  Thank you for considering this call to action.


With deepest gratitude,


Team ILF

The UN stage….

UntitledThere was a time when I would have readily accepted that “people like like me” don’t belong on global and powerful platforms such as the UN stage.

There was absolutely nothing in my background that would have prepared me to think that I was worthy of this honor or to belong to this exclusive club. “Spoke at the UN” is indeed beyond my wildest dreams.

What right do I have to claim such esteemed membership?

I received this right from the other clubs to  which I  belong.

I belong to the club of the abused. I belong to the club of the oppressed.

I also belong to the club of the women who said NO MORE. 

The club of domestic abuse ends in my lifetime…. the club of claw and scratch your way out of stinking thinking and claiming a life of joy and peace.

These are the foundations upon which I stand to celebrate the new club membership that I have earned.

I urge you to begin to name the clubs to which you have belonged and to begin to lay the foundations for and build the bridges to the clubs you wish to join.

I should tell you that I never dreamed of being in the UN club and that is ok. You see, I was laying these foundations as I strove for other memberships such as:

  • The club of women over 50 who do Olympic distance triathlons and come last and have the nerve to still feel pride.
  • The club of 2 marathons the year I turned 50 and several half marathons in the ensuing years.
  • The club of founders for a non profit.
  • The club of motivator and encourager of all I meet.

So it is with this beneath me and behind me that I urge you to gain membership to new clubs. These memberships will require hard work. The price of admission will often seem to steep. In times of such stress, take a break, take a breath AND continue to strive. The membership is worth the effort.

Let us all belong to the club called “I too took a chance.”


Love & light,


Click here to watch Indrani address the United Nations.